Un secretary general children and armed conflict security council
Un secretary general children and armed conflict security council

un secretary general children and armed conflict security council

This was a concept note prepared by the UK ahead of the Council's annual open debate on children and armed conflict, held on 5 July 2023. This was the Secretary-General's fourth report on children and armed conflict in Mali.

un secretary general children and armed conflict security council

This was the Secretary-General's fourth report on children and armed conflict in South Sudan. This was the Secretary-General's annual report on children and armed conflict. This was a presidential statement reiterating that the protection of children should be part of a comprehensive strategy to resolve conflict and sustain peace. It renewed its call on member states and relevant parties to integrate child protection provisions into all peace negotiations and ceasefire and peace agreements. This was a presidential statement that stressed the need for a broad conflict prevention strategy that addresses the causes of conflict in order to protect children. It reaffirmed the right to education, while condemning the significant increase in attacks against schools in recent years. This was a presidential statement on attacks against schools, which was co-authored by Niger and Belgium. Selected Security Council Presidential Statements This was a resolution which added abductions as an additional violation to trigger inclusion of a party in the annexes of the Secretary-General’s annual report. This was a resolution, unanimously adopted, that provided a framework for mainstreaming protection, rights, well-being and empowerment of children throughout the conflict cycle, as well as in sustaining peace efforts.

un secretary general children and armed conflict security council

It further emphasised the need to facilitate the continuation of education in situations of armed conflict. This resolution condemned attacks and threats of attack against schools, educational facilities and civilians connected with schools.

Un secretary general children and armed conflict security council